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NSOMS Employee Opportunities Form - OMS Residents and Employment Seekers

NSOMS is interested in networking with its members in an attempt to increase visibility for those seeking and offering employment opportunities. This survey is intended to ascertain the interest level of our membership in this cause. Please complete this brief survey so that we will have it in our files and connect interested parties.

Are you looking for employment opportunities as an OMS / Associate?
What timeframe are you available to start employment?
0-2 years
2-4 years
Greater than 5 years
Other: Please explain
What are your practice interests?

Please use this list to answer the following question.

A) Potential Income

B) Location

C) Talent to practice to the extent of your training, ability and potential

D) Ability to become a Partner

E) Professional Acceptance and Work Environment

F) Ability to Teach

May we exchange your contact information with other NSOMS members or other potential employers?
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